About Us


There is a common enquiry from then till now on the rationale for us to set up this business. Our friends, relatives and even customers were asking us why do we, who were born in the 80s would be interested into this trade. 

In the eyes of many Singaporeans, this is a sunset business. Majority of the current business owners in this trade are already in their retiring age without much successor willing to take over. Traditions knowledge and correct religious practices are slowly fading away with these knowledgeable business owners leaving this trade. We saw the pain of losing such knowledge and practices which lead us into exploring this business.

Of course we did not only come into this trade without any knowledge. We actually had a special affinity with Taoism and we came in contact with Taoist knowledge and practices since young. These became our fundamental to be able to help and advise people around us whenever they had religious issues and needed advice. At the same time, we noticed that there are a majority of people whom have such common enquiries on prayers and religious practices. They are sincere in keeping these practices but without proper advice and guidance, it has resulted in many misunderstandings and are being branded as superstitions. We would really love to help as much as we could so here we are. We hope we can be a source of information, advice and guidance to our customers with our best knowledge and continue to keep this tradition, religious practice and knowledge for our next generations to come.